Fight ‘nother war I’m getting cold inside You make me feel so bad I feel so bad when I lose control Know I can’t get back the time you wasted Hated morning, Hated boring time I know そうやって 隣にいないと “I am a mess” 返事がないとすぐに聞く “Can you hear me?” “What are you thinking?” “Are you feeling the same?” 振り返る僕ら変わらずStay 何もないあの毎日から Saying sorry Doesn’t mean it Waking from this bad *** dream Is it too late to love you? But I can’t banish the nightmare 通りすぎていく景色の中で Is it too late to love you? How can I banish the nightmare? Ain’t nobody else Ain’t nobody else ねえ 覚えていますか 見返したフォルダ 掠れた声 忘れてた春の匂いで思い出す今夜 Nobody knows that 忘れられないんだ 一途な恋と一粒の涙 歪な終わり方 ちぐはぐな思い出を探す 心の隅に残る影を 一人一人 独りに戻っただけ なのにI feel so lonely Is it too late to love you? But I can’t banish the nightmare 通りすぎていく景色の中で Is it too late to love you? How can I banish the nightmare? Ain’t nobody else Ain’t nobody else Is it too late to love you? But I can’t banish the nightmare Ain’t nobody else Ain’t nobody else Is it too late to love you? How can I banish the nightmare? Ain’t nobody else Ain’t nobody else Is it too late to love you? But I can’t banish the nightmare 通りすぎていく景色の中で Is it too late to love you? How can I banish the nightmare? Ain’t nobody else Ain’t nobody else