Im hot like fever But I beat that ye Wake up str8 up Drop the banger I don't need a gatorade 救急箱には9% 君汚ったねぇ Tryna get in? I don't like that 良くしてるだけの見た目 あなた暇人の進化系 We sound like this? We sound like that? I get to count the money like Spielberg 俺の曲を口ずさむ 頭中に残るsound U cant do it like me Im going stupid What u do is auto-aim U cant do it like me Im making hits STKD my Domain This song I make w a punch in 呼吸をしている感じ 頭の上にはSTARKIDS 週末みんなでパーティ Oh shit 口癖 I can't stop 大丈夫有言実行 もう言わせないぜ STARKIDSならきっと だから黙って捧げろ心臓 It's a time to rave U better open your eyes Jus forget about the time 離脱していくmind I gotta up my phase 未だ飲む乾杯 恐れることはない 気分いつも以上高い Yeeeeee I got no time to Look back the past Imma prove that U can sit back n laugh 数年後に高騰してる株 U r wrong U r wrong STUPID U STUPID Now im w my dawgs Barking around like SNOOPY Bitch u stupid Ye u stupid I don't hit the mayo I ain't looking for a cupid Im hot like fever But I beat that ye Wake up str8 up Drop the banger I don't need a gatorade 救急箱には9% 君汚ったねぇ Tryna get in? I don't like that 良くしてるだけの見た目 あなた暇人の進化系 We sound like this? We sound like that? I get to count the money like Spielberg 俺の曲を口ずさむ 頭中に残るsound U cant do it like me Im going stupid What u do is auto-aim U cant do it like me Im making hits STKD my Domain