Burning Sister Down on the football place I saw my sister burning They tied her on a railroad track And made her blue eyes burning Her dog was sitting by her feet The whole night he was howling In dirty pants the judge came down Slavering his golden gown Yes, she was the one Who turned the rain into black The television vulture ... They brought my sister to trial Cutting her face from her smile On the holy waterfront The people stand there waiting To see her blonde hair lighted To see her blood drip on the floor Halluzination Guillotine On a telegraph pole An assassin is training his soul Locked up in a fancy room Not very far from doom Intoxicated kids Are ready to quit His desires they scatter His nerves they shatter No window to see No door to flee The heart-attack machine Is out of gear The mighty nightmare-employer Professor of paranoia Is stealing near Seven miles from here Smoke coming out of their eyes Insanity-tigers are licking his hands A short romance A vaporised dance Gulp a Sonata Instrumental Flesh-Coloured Anti-Aircraft Alarm She suddenly stood alone Shut down by silver and gold The priest came and kissed her hand My daughter! Soon you'll be released They say you are the one Who stole the neighbour's babies The witness pointed at the chimney And said this is her way home Down there in the gloomy room Widows versed in law came soon My daughter! We are so polite We make your dirty face white Her lungs gasped in the fire Her signs were flying higher The mechanical voice of the guard Was always repeating the same They say she was the one Who came walking across the sea They cut the tree of her life With their hypnotic knife