Brother!!! お前の犠牲の上に我らの成長 アップグレード Installer コード:OTHER PEOPLE デバイスの本望 IGNORANCE is PEACE. IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” Brother!!! 自由は規制 お前らは価値ある集合 消耗品の集合 コード:OTHER PEOPLE Worthless, Thinkless, Rightless people. IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” Brother!!! お前の犠牲の上に我らの成長 アップグレード Installer コード:OTHER PEOPLE デバイスの本望 IGNORANCE is PEACE. IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL IN-FOR-MATION CONTROL CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL-CONTROL “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion” “For that reason, so, I’m turning on the distortion”