We lay in each other's arms 'Till someone knocked on the door And said "your time is up" I am a lady of the land And you're a boy in your second hand My love And this rented room looks so barren in this light And this rented room looks so barren in this light I stroked your back so soft While you kissed my mouth Like I wasn't going to live that long Now your coat lies on the bed And your body's in my head My head Yet it's time to meet the bridge ladies for tea Yet it's time to meet the bridge ladies for tea No time, no time No time for one another No time, no time at all Warm in my knees inside your smile Driving everyone away, far gone We'll have scones and jam for tea I'll have you yet baby wait I'll see For I'm as wayward as southeaster leaves in June For I'm as wayward as southeaster leaves in June No time, no time No time for one another No time, no time at all For I'm as wayward as southeaster leaves in June For I'm as wayward as southeaster leaves in June