I'm In Luv Witchu

Track byBizarre

  • 2016.05.05
  • 2:44


I'm in luv witc, I'm in luv witc, I'm in luv witc, I'm in luv witc, I'm in luv witc, I'm in luv witchu! (verse 1: Bizarre) I love the way you walk, I love the way you talk, I love the way you come from New York and don't eat pork! I like the way you smell, I like the fact that you stay in jail, Fourteen years old getting' fucked by R-Kel! (laughing) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like your nasty attitude, I like the way you get fucked when you nude, your whole back get bruised! (Aaaa!) Bitch I like your smile! I like the fact that your breath is foul! (Ugh!) I like it with your dirty weave, Comin' over, never wanna leave! (Wooo!) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like feeding you small meat, I like levelling you dirty cheeks!(?) I like feeding you all type of treats! I like getting' my ass beat, for two and a half weeks! Damn! (fuck you!) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact that you fucking Proof! Go ahead tell Kuniva the truth! (tell him!) I like the fact that you broke, (ha ha!) I like the fact that you can't vote, Does this bitch always wanna smoke? (coughing) Bizarre's a fucking joke! (pass the blunt!) Bitch I hit you in your fucking throat! (I'm in luv witchu!) The fact that you on your period, I like the fact that you don't take it serious! I like the fact that you let my dog get it, (dog barking) His a (???) You know whats in it? (?) I like the fact that you voted for Bush! Tells us all(??) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact you love my sister, That's why you suck my dick, till my knees blistered! I like the fact that you a female mechanic (??) I like the fact that you give it till you can't stand it! (take thiis.... Dick!) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact you celebrate Christmas, Coz I sure damn miss it! (I do!) I like the fact that you listen to Snoop, I like the fact that you got fucked by Luke! (dirty bitch!) I like the fact you an actress I like the fact that you a singing (?) Does make it happen (laughing) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact that you a cheater, I like the fact that I'm a beater, My name's Peter! The pussy-eater! (ooo) I like the fact you check I'm gay, I like the fact your son's always gay! I like the fact your booty smells, I like the fact you use (??) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact your grandmother die, When she was eighty-five, the bitch finally died! Stayin alive! (crying) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like it that you don't care about your kids, (where's Johnny?) I like the fact that you get into bed, I like the fact that you so cool, I like swimming in your dirty pool, (splash) I like the fact that your fathers (??) I like the fact that your fathers a black man tryna be a white man! (Yeah!) (I'm in luv witchu!) I like to fuck a black moose, I like you know macs loose, I like the fact you handicapped, I like the fact you tryna rap! I like the fact that you got an old caprice, I like the fact that you robbed bay's(?) niece (I'm in luv witchu!) I like the fact that you've been molested, (touch me!) I like the fact you've been arrested, (sirens) I like the fact your cold's congested, I like the fact you a member of the (??) THIS IS WHAT I REALLY WANNA SAY! (Matter of a fact...) (I'm ....I) I hate your fucking cooking, (bitch you can't cook!) I hate the way you fucking' lookin' (bitch you ugly!) Bitch you ain't from Broklyn, you ain't a fucking woman! I hate your smile! I hate your style! Bitch you an ugly ass reptile, You need to be meat, Bitch you uglier then Sindy Margery! I HATE YOU!



