• 2010.12.14
  • 3:06


ELSA You dear attractive dewy-eyed idealist Today you have to learn to be a realist MAX You may be bent on doing deeds of derring-do But up against a shark, what can a herring do? ELSA Be wise, compromise! CAPTAIN Compromise and be wise! ELSA Let them think you're on their side, be noncommitical CAPTAIN I will not bow my head to the men I despise MAX You won't have to bow your head, just stoop a little ELSA Why not learn to put your faith and your reliance On an obvious and simple fact of science? A crazy planet full of crazy people Is somersaulting all around the sky And ev'rytime it turns another somersault Another day goes by! And there's no way to stop it, no there's no way to stop it No, you can't stop it even if you try So I'm not going to worry, no I'm not going to worry Ev'ry time I see another day go by MAX While somersaulting at a cock-eyed angle We make a cock-eyed circle 'round the sun And when we circle back to where we started from Another year has run And there's no way to stop it, no there's no way to stop it If the earth wants to roll around the sun! You're a fool if you worry, you're a fool if you worry Over anything but little Number One! CAPTAIN That's you! ELSA That's I MAX And I CAPTAIN And me! That all absorbing character! ELSA That fascinating creature! MAX That superspecial feature... ALL Me! CAPTAIN So ev'ry star and ev'ry whirling planet, and ev'ry constellation in the sky Revolve around the centre of the universe, a lovely thing called I! MAX & ELSA And there's no way to stop it, no there's no way to stop it And I know though I cannot tell you why THE CAPTAIN That's charming MAX & ELSA That as long as I'm living ALL Just as long as I'm living, There'll be nothing else as wonderful as I! ELSA Nothing else as wonderful as I

Roger Dann, Harold Kasket & Eunice Gasket