Track byYellow Magic Orchestra
Turning faded pages A hint of calla She was a refugee from across the wall Acting out a story Written in air Illicit in the darkness Silent applause Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Shadows hold jealous eyes Ice in may Points on a silhouette Slow fading shoes Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Je suis fatiguée du même vieux chaos, J'en suis malade, Il devrait y avoir une sortie à ce cul-de-sac. Acting out a story Written in air Illicit in the darkness Silent applause Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Dancing with sadness Just for herself Lost in the motion A mime with no end Dancing with sadness Just for herself * * * 古い色褪せたページをめくると CALLAの香り 彼女は壁の向こうからの難民だった 空気の中に描いた物語を演じる 闇の中の不倫 沈黙の喝采 悲しみと共に踊る 彼女自身の為に 動きに没頭し 終わりのない無言劇 影に嫉妬の目 五月に氷のよう…… シルエットの中のPoints ゆるやかに消え褪せてゆく靴 【CALLA】白いユリのような花 【Points】点、バレエを踊る際、 つま先で立つこと、および、 立って踊ること