待ちに待ち侘びた 愛し合いたかった 味気ない終りはいらない 立ち眩み 幻想 麗しの mermaid 夕焼けは茜色 初恋 marmalade 君呼び起こす fanfare I think you and me We're a good thing x2 This love is already saturated If you need me, I don't need anything She doesn't seem to mind It feels like time has just stopped for me Its like first the time init They say this shit forbidden Never go back to rekindle Flame gone dead so now do mingle And venture down a long road single But ill be back, trust me or has that gone too Like two boats in the night that have both set sale Like two houses on fire who do save Or do wait for the firebrigrage Feel like de la I'm here all alone And I'm waiting to talk on the phone Was an accident yes u are prone to do things when you feeling provoked Maybe I am the problem who knows Either way you gon reel what you sewed This love is already saturated If you need me, I don't need anything She doesn't seem to mind It feels like time has just stopped for me