Walking down the isle of stars. Lot ́s of strippers and Bentley cars. I ́m on the way to reach the goals. Fuck my friends. Suck up for foes. You know it ́s new. It ́s on the MTV news. You ́ll get it as soon as it is on the air. Cruising the city with the company crew. A silverscreen dream will take me there. Go on, give me a name. Make crawl and make me beg. Living in Hollywood someday. Desire me. This place I claim. Red carpet's where I've locked my aim. A number. Now roll the dice. Give me a smile. You shine so nice. You know it ́s new it ́s on the MTV news. You ́ll get it as soon as it is on the air. Cruising the setting with the company crew. A silverscreen dream, now take me there. Go on, give me a name. Make crawl and make me beg. Living in Hollywood someday. Go on, give me a name. Don't you dare stand in the way! Living in Hollywood someday. And I say.. Living in Hollywood some day I need something.. Tomorrow you'll see I'm gonna be someone. It ́s up to me Today means nothing. Tomorrows the day I ́ll be the one you love to hate. Go on, give a name. Make crawl and make me beg. Living in Hollywood someday. Go on, give a name. Don't you dare stand in the way! Living in Hollywood someday. Today, I want it today. Living in Hollywood someday. And I say, Living in Hollywood some day