Mary Did You Know

  • 1999.01.20
  • 5:12


Oh yeah Behold the angel appear to Joseph in a dream And said Mary little baby would grow up to be king Emanuel he shall be call Jesus of Nazareth ruler of all And I wonder did it ever cross Mary mind That she'll be given a gift, that's so devine Oh Mary (oh Mary) did you know You have a son like Jesus to be hold Mary, Mary did you know You have a son that the whole wide world should know I wanna know well One more thing Did you know you've have a king Who would carry the cross up a hill call calvary And brutal shameful crucified So that sinners could be free Did you know that he'll lay three days in a grave And get up and live again with all power in his hands Oh Mary (oh Mary) did you know You have a son like Jesus to be hold Mary, Mary did you know You have a son that the whole wide world should know And I wonder sometime did you know Did you know did you know I read in the bible oh Mary did you know God sent the angel gabriel to nazareth did you know Talk to a virgin name Mary did you know He said fear not Mary, Mary did you know But thou art highly favor of god Bless an ?? Among all women Thou shall conceive In thy womb And bring forth a son Name Jesus And he shall reign Shall reign forever But oh Mary Did you know That your baby boy Would one day touch the blind And they will see again Did you know he would speak to the water Whole the water was in a rage He said peace be still And the water was calm He would speak to the wind And the wind will cease What about the woman With the issue of blood Sick for 12 years She was healed and made whole Just by touching The garment that he wore Mar did you know He would go to the grave Where your brother Lazarus was laying And call his name 3 time And he'll get up And live again Did you know He would turn pure water Into wine Mary did you have any idea He would stand in the fire With 3 hebrew boys That was 7 time hotter Than it should have been And he cool the flam How could you have know That he would feed 5 thousand With just 2 little fish And 5 loaves of bread Oh Mary And even to this day After all this time He still live Did you know That he could still healed the sick He still a provider He can still make a way Out of noway He still the lilly The lilly of the valley In case you didn't know He can still deliver Still deliver Still deliver Oh yes he can


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Doug Williams