Let Me Say First

Track byAli

  • 2014.08.15
  • 3:32


[VERSE 1: Esau] On the first seven days the Gods created the Heaven and the Earth But the second chapter of Genesis is contradictory to the first They created the watery Heaven and Earth, the night and day They separated Heaven and Earth, created land, then vegetation After that they created the sun, moon, stars, seas and fish and birds, then animals And to top it all off let us make man in our image, after our likeness And let him have dominion over everything that creeps on the Earth As a ruler he was first When they were finished they picked a spokesman: I have given you every plant yielding seed In every tree put seed in its fruit You shall have them for food They didn't say anything about hamburger, hot dogs, lamb chops Bacon, cheese????, hamhocks, chicken peel or barbeque Now in the second chapter the Gods made Heaven, then Earth Then man, then vegetation, a straight contradiction of the first Yet he was placed in the Garden Even where the first limitation was set No eating from the tree of knowledge, disobedience means death Feeling man was lonely they brought forth ????, animals and birds But this didn't satisfy him for he was the first So from his rib, so the story goes, the Gods brought forth a companion for man Called her woman, as a couple they were first Now the serpent knowin truth about the tree Coaxed the first sin to be committed by Eve Who in turn coaxed Adam to cover they know the deed When the Gods seen this they were very displeased With no execution committed The first contradiction and the first eviction by sendin the couple east Now the first couple became the first parents of the first son Who became the first murderer and the first refugee Which creates the first question by man The first person had a part in this first dysfunctional family Was Mrs. Kane the first daughter of the first person I discussed in the Testament And who were the people who would hold Kane and Abel for the first dismemeberment Didn't it seem odd that God had to mark him for safety And why were there people in the land of ??Nile?? If they weren't put there by the Gods [CHORUS: The Insidious One] From the first to the last days From the first man to the last man From the first birth to the first sin To the first book a lie was written in To the last page ???? [VERSE 2: Esau] After decidin the first stage of their experiment was out of order The Gods felt apt to commit the first mass murder But first they needed someone they could trust to ensure their experiment would survive And so the first mortal to become the God's first lieutenant was chosen named Noah he was On the first day of the first month of his 601st year The first ship builder and the first zoo keeper Solid ground was drowned on February 27th The emerge of the first cruise ship, with the first ordering They committed the first extinction by makin the Gods their first offering After first promising Noah this wouldn't happen again The Gods put the first rainbow in the sky as their symbol of their word of men They allow meat to be eaten for the first time And Noah became the first known to ???? the soil, the first person to make em drink wine The world spoke one language, it was the first and only time it was truly united But the Gods weren't excited Behold, they are one people, they have one language This is only the beginning of what they will do We must swing down, scatter and disunite, confuse their crew In the land of ???? there was the first great culture with the first ???? They were undertaking a great project in a city and a tower that was magnificient The city was called Bable or Babylon in English Because it was here that the Gods' plan came to get a little disrupted and shit Now the first person instructed to head to Kanaan was a man named Abraham First mentioned in the Bible as the man Abram He and his nephew Lot split to Kanaan When Lot ???? Sodom ???? Gomorrha in the valley of the Jordan Sodom was chosen to be destoyed by the Gods because of its wicked ways This is the first time in the Bible we have a mention of gays But Lot lived there so Abraham intervened unsuccessfully So Lot, his wife and his two daughters all had to flee As they escaped Sodom Lot lost his wife and his daughters lost their men Becoming lonely and desperate they committed a unthinkable sin The daughters got their father drunk, laid down with him one by one And nine months later they both bore their own father's son Now Abraham married to his half sister had no sons, at least not until he was 101 Then Sarah, half-sister wife bore him a child, a miracle from the Gods But they had a test for him to prove his obedience, now this is the part that gets wild They instructed Abraham to make the first human sacrifice With his only son Isaac but in reality it's just the first with his wife Sarah's servant Hagar had bore Abraham a son Ismael The first adulterous affair mentioned in this twisted holy tale [CHORUS] [VERSE 3: Esau] Now I have taken you through the first half of the first chapter Of the first holy book and for the first time you see a lot fo the firsts in history It's up to you and your self-education and your self-discovery And your self-spirituality to decide the integrity Of this holy book and others like it And people around you and the people who preach to you and others about it Make decisions for yourself don't have them inflicted By the morals and the values of the secretively wicked Discover the self truth about yourself, don't have your friends and parents pick it You'll soon discover that atheists are wrong, preachers and ministers too Everybody picked certain parts of everything to mold in their truth Live your life on the Earth based on your morals and your own personal word Before anyone can judge you you have to judge yourself first I don't need to come off anti-Christian, anti-religious, I know I'm not the worst People die everyday because of words and Bible verse Think about what's forced in your mind by people who censor words Before anyone can understand you you have to understand yourself first

2曲 | 2014




