Someone’s been sticking pins Into my waxen image The further they get screwed in, The more I give up on living All I ever learned from you Was how to satisfy a craving, To give in to desire when the pulse is fading Figurine, spinning in endless motion Does she look serene, ‘til the cold blooded dance is over Guess you don’t know your own strength Brittle bones lay broken Hanging limp from a white fence Head smashed gaping open All I ever learned from you Was how to satisfy a craving, To give in to desire when the pulse is fading Figurine, spinning in endless motion Does she look serene, ‘til the cold blooded dance is done In its presence we grow weak In it’s absence seek its heat Fire that purifies the soul Cleanses and consumes us whole Porcelain figurine Forever turning Fixed expression No emotion All I ever learned from you Was how to satisfy a craving, To give in to desire when the pulse is fading Figurine, spinning in endless motion Does she look serene, ‘til the cold blooded dance is over