Loch Ness Monster Talking to the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Friend with the Submrline スコットランドの湖の底で 今日もSubmarineが 飛んでるんだって She's a monster Loch Ness Monster Talking to the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Friend with the Submarine 深い霧の中 首を長くして サインが出るのを 待ってるんだって She's a monster Loch Ness Monster Talking to the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Friend with the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Talking to the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Friend with the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Talking to the Submarine Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster