All day long she's waiting for the night to ask her out To be somebody's dancer, to get lost inside a crowd There‘s no need to talk, because the music is so loud, Till a taxi drops her back into a morning full of doubts. You can feel like a part of something if you're part of the scene You can make your life look pretty out a little ice and gin, Wash off the make-up and prepare the aspirin Well you can get out of this party dress but you can't get out of this skin. His home is where his heart is at the parties that he rolls. Tells himself he can't be lonely cause he's never on his own, But all the friends he makes at night, in the morning they are gone, And he's left with his four walls, his aching head, his silent phone You can feel like a part of something if you're part of the scene You can make your life look pretty out a little ice and gin, Wash off the make-up and prepare the aspirin Well you can get out of this party dress but you can't get out of this Hearing your own echos in the empty staircase And you're walking through your dark apartment looking for a friendly face Because the polaroid pictures on your fridge won't do No, the polaroid pictures on your fridge won't do No, the polaroid pictures on your fridge won't do No, they won't do You can feel like a part of something if you're part of the scene You can make your life look pretty out a little ice and gin, Wash off the make-up and prepare the aspirin Well you can get out of this party dress but you can't get out of this All day long she's waiting for the night to ask her out To be somebody's dancer just to pop it in the crowd And how to move her feet is all she has to think about Till the taxi drives her back into a morning full of doubts You can feel like a part of something if you're part of the scene You can make your life look pretty out a little ice and gin Wash off the make-up and prepare the aspirin Well you can get out of this party dress but you can't get out of Feeling like you are part of something if you are part of the scene You can make your life look pretty out a little ice and gin, Wash off the make-up and prepare the aspirin Well you can get out of this party dress but you can't get out of this skin