A rite of Blood and Cannibalism. Jesus, Magus, officiator of the rite. A legacy for humanity, mangling and pollution by deceiving fearful priests. A Black Mass between Christ and the Apostoles . . . pagans arise. The cup filled with blood of thirteen people They drink Blood shed one's blood Sacrifice. "This is my body, mutilate me in twelve parts Every one eat a part . . ." . "This is our blood and our sperm, drink all of you . . . ". The Last Supper, a human meat supper. Last Testament is an astral ties. The last Rite, to the Moon. Making Sacred their gathering coven. Three thousand years, Christianity is dead Equinox of a new Gospel . . . A new Advent is at the Edge. Supreme cosmical comprehension, Bible is become a Necronomicon. A Ties of Blood, a fine communion. Making sacred, 3000 years A new gospel is at the edge