All circuits go and powered on, Reconstructed from the pieces that were left into, a convincing automaton, a believable facsimile, a six million dollar masterpiece. oooooh I'm so close, you might not believe I'm a machine inside the ghost. Machine, Machine, Forged from the wreckage of spare parts, This tin man doesn't want a heart. Machine. Refurbished scrap without a soul, unconstricted by the defect of attachment. Programmed for perfect control, To smile is upgrade, this kiss is manmade. oooooh I'm so close, you might not believe I'm a machine inside the ghost. Machine, Machine, Forged from the wreckage of spare parts, This tin man doesn't want a heart. Machine. In my nightmares, I'm still human, I don't dream electric sheep, In my nightmares, I'm still human, this cyber core only skin-deep, I welcome emptiness, I will seek the void, the uncanny valley, separates the men from the droids. oooooh I'm so close, you might not believe I'm a machine inside the ghost. Machine, Machine, Forged from the wreckage of spare parts, this tin man doesn't want a heart. Just like Data in reverse, this sentience is only a curse. Machine.