All you spacemen gather round This is what we done found Barracuda with their brides All barking mad and hogtied Levitation, silent prayer The stick people and the dancing bears Hack their heads off, crawl inside All you see is idiotic pride Six times underneath the knife All the naked apes and pond life I said the bitch, the pig, their lawyers and me All work together and we're gonna be free I said to Jesus, One more time Do that stuff you do with the water and the wine Hot jelly, fresh lime Data stream and sex crime With the blackened teeth and the stick sound The crepuscular run-around I had my share of trouble and strife And all those naked apes and pond life Monkey see the monkey, monkey make his move Monkey do the damage that the monkey gonna do Monkey desecration, monkey making tools Stick it to the monkey, break the monkey balls Monkey see the monkey, monkey make his move Monkey do the damage that the monkey gonna do Monkey desecration, monkey making tools Stick it to the monkey, break the monkey balls Flesh landslide, bones and hearts Head lice and sex parts Chicken salad running around Spilling their jizz on the consecrated ground God's cadaver lying there Check its pulse and comb its hair Plug its asshole, dislocate the spine Scrape it all off and tell me what you find Ape rabies, the chimp wife All the naked apes and pond life Naked apes and pond life Naked apes and pond life