LOst in the WInd is the TAste of LOve All that reMAins is my SOul STill my HEart is BEating FAst My SMile surVIves Left IN the DArk your Lights still SHining CAn you HEar the VOice or my HEart TElling YOu I'm SOrry Don't you FEel that WHen we're aRArt (There's)NO REgrets for the LOve that We shared BAby, BAby,YOu're my SEcret YOu know there MUst be a WAy MAybe, MAybe, IF we SEek it Be BEtter when toMOrrow COmes MAybe, MAybe,WHen toMOrrow COmes WOrld in a DReam is the PLace of LOve A GAme where a FOol keeps the SCore WHen my LIfe is RUnnigh FAst And TRoubles ARRive Straight TO the HEart your LOve suRRounds me WHen we're NEar or WHen we're aPArt NEver NEed to WOrry WHen it SEems the HEartaches STart I NEver DOubt, our LOve will BE spared BAby, BAby, DOn't be SEcret LOve you each STep of the WAy MAybe,MAybe, IF we SEek it Be WIth you when toMOrrow COmes MAybe, MAybe, WHen toMorrow COmes CAn you HEar the VOice or my HEart TElling YOu I'm SOrry Don't you FEel that WHen we're aRArt (There's)NO REgrets for the LOve that We shared BAby, BAby,YOu're my SEcret YOu know there MUst be a WAy MAybe, MAybe, IF we SEek it Be BEtter when toMOrrow COmes MAybe, MAybe,WHen toMOrrow COmes