Twisty just seems to arrive with trickery and a knive Smiling with criminal charm A warm kiss ever at ready For the cheecks of the many Soon to be betrayed Some hoods don't suffer Oh I wish they would Some hoods don't suffer Twisted who assume the words trickering from those lips Are truly worthy of the audience They burn the ears of lovers too Who once put all their trust in you Making villians of thier own Some hoods don't suffer Oh I wish they would Some hoods don't suffer Oh teasing glimpse of honesty Almost hides the treachery ceaving below Still I wish good things for you Almost as a way to show you You don't matter From hoods don't suffer (Hearts don't suffer) Oh I wish they would From hoods don't suffer (Hearts don't suffer) Oh I wish they would From hoods don't suffer (Hearts don't suffer) A warm kiss ever at ready For the cheecks of the many Soon to be betrayed