I ran through the garden of evil, I traced your steps, I saw it all. Did he hold your hand the way that you prefer? Did he ask you, well, like I asked you our first time? Turn the lights off, I don't wanna see myself doing this. I just wanna love you, I just wanna love you as much as he did. I ran through the garden of evil, I take some steps, I pull away. Why am I running if he keeps slowing? So I hesitate. Oh, is this really what you want from me? Is this really what you want from me? Is this really what you want from me? Turn the lights off, I don't wanna see myself doing this. I just wanna love you, I just wanna love you as much as he did. And maybe this time we can do it right, so I say close your eyes. And maybe this time we can do it right, so I say close your eyes and take your time, don't be afraid. I fell into a wishing well, so that's where I've been drinking. Turns out you drove me into the ground, so much for wishful thinking. (2x) Oh, is this really what you want from me? (I fell into a wishing well, so that's where I've been drinking.) Oh, is this really what you want from me? (I fell into a wishing well, so that's where I've been drinking.) Turn the lights on, pick me up and carry me away from this. I don't want you to love me, I don't want you to love me just like they did. And maybe this time we can do it right, so I say close your eyes. And maybe this time we can do it right, so I say close your eyes and take your time, don't be afraid.