じわじわ迫る暗闇に のまれ 手探り もがく 理解できぬままに 時は過ぎて 霞む世界 優しさに触れさせて 折れ曲がった 一言 歪んだ解釈 mode I'm a jerk ひび割れた偽善の仮面 二面性の間で 立ちはだかる中隔 忽然たる幻覚 否定したる善悪 Don't say, Don't say, No more Give me back Why did I turn away from that shame 責め立てた 醜くずるい心 She is me, I am her Punish Punish Burn it Burn it... Get out Get out Get out Get out 胸の奥に 突き刺す 視線で溶かしていく I confront my inner fear Take my hands or disappear Choose which one to do 自己意識がリンクする 掴んだ手を突き放す 噛みつきたい衝動 引き裂かれる心臓 這いつくばり絶叫 Don't say, Don't say, No more Give me back Why did I turn away from that shame 責め立てた 醜くずるい心 She is me, I am her Punish Punish Burn it Burn it... Get out Get out Get out Get out Give me back Why did I turn away from that shame 目を開けて 遅すぎだなんてない Trust me, Trust me Burn it Burn it Burn it Burn it... Get out Get out Get out Get out Give me back Why did I turn away from that shame 取り戻せ 魂の炎を Burn it up, Let it burn Burn it Burn it Burn it Burn it... Burn out Burn out Burn out Burn out Hey To keep the soul burning Now my soul burns with the fire Now my soul burns with the fire Now my soul burns with the fire Now my soul burns with the fire