There's a link that ties us tight We can't see it, others might It is pure and it is strong Not deceptive, never wrong It doesn't matter where we are And no distance is too far Through the fire and through the flames We are opposites and yet the same "Like one, that on lonesome road Doth walk in fear and dread And having once turned round walks on And turns no more his head Like one, that on a lonesome road Doth walk in fear and dread Because he knows, a frightful fiend Doth close behind him tread" And maybe, just maybe, that shard of light shines through And the fates decree the survivor could be you And maybe, just maybe, that ray of hope shines through And ensures the last man standing is you... you! Sealed in hate - I see seven symbols painted there To curse your fate - Let the traveller beware! And maybe, just maybe you can make it through the years By accepting, as you must, that all is not as it appears And maybe, just maybe the acceptance of that truth Will ensure the last man standing is you... you! Whatever you do with your life - Watch for the Unquiet Sky Whatever you do, day or night - Watch for the Unquiet Sky It will drag you in like & sensual addiction - you're caught in the web It will drag you in - & perpetual affliction - you're caught in the web Whatever you choose to do with your life Watch for the Unquiet Sky Sealed in hate - I see seven symbols painted there To curse your fate - Let the traveller beware! Carved in blood - I see seven symbols painted there What's done is done - Let the traveller beware!