The Interimlovers

  • 2004.07.01
  • 4:13


During one slip of the tongue there is big bang and total entropy from red giants to white dwarfs the whole scale of cosmic dimensions are falling out of my mouth in the description of a kiss of the interimlovers of the interimlovers in the interim between microphone and macrocosm between genesis und sixsixsix in between and on the bоttom of the sea between plankton und philosophy there they are the interimlovers in their communal mouth lives a hummingbird with each beat of its wings too swift for any eye to see cultures flourish and perish whole continents vanish i wade through the filth of mighty metaphors meta, meta, meta by metre with gestures far too wide for the interimlovers the interimlovers are lovers in the INTERIM between temporary and tempura between tightrope and sabre dance between chaos and with no course at all between semtex and utopia there they are the interimlovers in the course of just one winking beat of an eye they have putsched the government was felled parliament dissolved elections held results annulled new elections called then finally exiled in history reviled I wade through the filth of mighty metaphors meta, meta, meta by metre with gestures far too wide for the interimlovers the interimlovers are lovers in the interim between temporary and tempura between tightrope and sabre dance between chaos and with no course at all between semtex and utopia there they are the interimlovers right there in each others arms thirstily devour the last drop of light they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet the lovers the interimlovers they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet the interimlovers they are not there yesterday and tomorrow not yet es gibt sie gestern nicht mehr und morgen noch nicht


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