VENDETTA BLOOD! VENDETTA DAY! VENDETTA CORD! Set it off! Set it off! 嵐の様に起きる衝動、 駆り立てられ起こす行動。 煩悩本能競争闘争生放送全ての方向 俺のライムが暴動。 ごった返す糞な情報、 OnTheMicはQ キズカセに登場。 ここに有るリアルキャッチしろ、 同胞その威力は相当! UZI-ONE Pit fighting blood Suit! In my blood ! This is a Pure"魂"上がれ Forec pressure , A.Dogs, Lycaon'S Den Law of blood! Watch it bleed! Don't forget! Fight for the pride! Or let it bleed , Endless bloody battle starts. Fight or not! Fight or not! Braking you own law. My anger judge the bustard. (The)true blow. Only way to solve (the) problem is to bleed. This battle is for(the)"anger" revenge of the blood.(Bleed) My truth. Every thing towards you. Cross over the valley. Endless bloody battle starts. (The) time that you feared comes. (The) fist won't leave from my arm. If you let it bleed, you are the one's ganna bleed (Bleed) Even devil can't change my mind. If you let it bleed, you are the one's ganna bleed (Bleed) I'll fight like a beast. Set it off! Set it off! HeyHeyHeyHey、 俺にはブレーキが無いから引かない かなりヤバイ今だ!パーン! 発砲言葉のガン首 振らざる得無い音なのさ 腰が入って無え骨の無え奴 ぐっと来無え HeyYo! これでぶっ飛ぼうぜ 何度でもしてやるさ挑戦、 己の中の敵はShot.k VENDEETA BLOOD Law of blood! Watch it bleed! Don't forget! Fight for thepride! (The) world made of lie, (The)true blow. Shut up and die. No more ways. No more ways. Braking you own law. My anger judge the bustard. (The) true blow. Only way to solve (the) problem is to bleed. This battle is for (the)"anger" revenge of the blood.(Bleed) My truth. Every thing towards you. I have no patient (the) person who doesn't have bonds. Your exit is one. Until it die I'll fight like a beast. If you let it bleed, you are the one's ganna bleed (Bleed) Even devil can't change my mind. If you let it bleed, you are the one's ganna bleed (Bleed) I'll fight like a beast. Your exit is one. The only exit is to die. Everyone talks it in front of your grave. You were a great man. 飢えてる奴にとっちゃ オアシス増えてくバクチ こっちはもがきながら生み出す 新型ウイルスまた一つリズムを築く 脳味噌を雑巾みたいにしぼり出す滴 良く聞けば気付く。 血の色は赤い、ダサイSoundは破壊 伝わったかい? Vendetta cord. Kill it calmly. My name will be eternal. UZI-ONE!!