You sometimes feel loneliness? Despite being surrounded by people Such a life, it is only us The reason why we interact with others 同じときを 分け合って 愁いを消した (ほら、ごらん) The universe is made of light It never fades all day all night 営みがいくつも重なり合い 星は生きる きっと The universe is made of light A lot of life is shining brightly white 悲しみを超えていくのが 世界なんだ We can't understand each other Maybe at least not completely Cause the body has a border Can't become one, even if we can touch ひとは孤独 持ち寄って 未来を紡いだ (ほら、ごらん) The universe is made of light It never fades all day all night それぞれが小さな 弱く儚い輝きでも きっと The universe is made of light A lot of life is shining brightly white 寂しいから手を繋ぐの 世界なんだ 誰かの痛みも ah (祈りも 笑顔も) 繋いだら、