He would lean into my cradle Resting revolver on an infant cheek Speeding and singing singing and speeding Speeding and singing my infancy to sleep I can hear his heart again I can hear his song When I hear that voice again I know he's gone Nobody sings like my daddy sang He was the king of the song Nobody sings like my daddy sang I know that I'll never sing The way that my daddy sang Do you know what it's Like to be born To a Legend To be born To a freak To face expectation From your first Crowning peek At the World An umbilical peek At this hideous Fame-ridden world Where I hear that voice again Where I hear his song Sing he's gone Nobody sings... What do you mean That you don't know my singer? What do you mean You don't know his song? He was speeding and singing Singing and speeding Speeding and singing Come on and sing along You can beat his heart again When you sing his song Sing his heart again Although he's gone