In the southern mountains, the whippoorwill is both omen and messenger of death. It is said and believed that if the bird sings in one's backyard, there is a death in the family, or shortly will be. Clouds have swept across the moon and all the world is still Somewhere in the night I hear a lonely whippoorwill Brisk upon the midnight air, the call is wild and shrill Spilling out his sad lament, a lonely whippoorwill Whippoorwill, I hear your lonely cry The night is filled with sadness and so ill at ease am I Far across the hill, midnight shadows fall Somewhere lies a sleeping mate to hear your mournful call Now I wish the silent winds would stir into a storm And strike this earth with lightning and with rain How I long for loving arms to hold and keep me warm And hush away your sorrowful refrain Peace! Be still and rest this weary night Quiet as the velvet wings that carry you in flight Fly, fly away, let my world be still Go and find your sleeping mate, oh lonely whippoorwill Whippoorwill, oh lonely whippoorwill...