There's so much written And said I Can’t keep it all I my hand But three words Come with ease Good things come in threes Good things come in threes In just three words I will understand If you need A helping hand Count on me when things go wrong In three words I’ll be strong おおきな くもと ひかり につつまれて ぼくは もえつきた たった ひとつのねがい それは きみのすむ はるか とおくの まちへ つたえてほしい ふたりの あらたな いのちがうまれたら へいわと あいと しんらいの ふたりの ことばを In just three words I’ll be true From that moment I first saw you It's fine if きみの It remains somewhere こころのなかに My precious meaning のこって In your heart いればいい Just Three Words