At midnight when the cattle are sleeping On my saddle I pillow my head And up at the heavens lie peeping From out of my cold, grassy bed And it's often and often I've wondered At night while lying alone If each tiny star way up yonder Is a great peopled world like our own In the evening in the bright stars up yonder Do cowboys lie down to their rest? Do they gaze at this wide world and wonder If rough riders dash o'er its crest? Do they listen to the wolves of the canyons? Do they watch the night owl in its flight Are their horse their only companion While guarding their herds through the night? Sometimes when a star is twinkling Like a diamond set in the sky I've find myself lying and thinking If may be God's heaven is nigh And I wonder if there I shall meet her My mother whom God took away It's up in stars heaven I'll greet her At the round-up on that last day In the east the great daylight is breaking And into my saddle I'll spring The cattle from sleep are awakening My heaven worth thoughts now takes wing The eyes of my bronco are flashing He impatiently pulls at the reins While out round the herd I'll go dashing Just a reckless cowboy of the plains