Call my name! Watch out he's興亡の王召還 Unbelievableな甲冑割れ 薫る悪臭醜悪 Crow纏い凍てる 覇道に震える矮小な民 Low plier one chance to拝見顔面 頭上がらぬ呪縛 不穏ニヒルなkindness 木っ端に消し去る Scarface cause grind death Show me what you got Slow wind blow I say "Where is justice? where is your soul?" Moon light and brightness Fury悪しき火遺恨call Call My name!! 剣と館と民王の統治死を拝む No fear no murder no god distraction All my手腕 何万年も先まで 不安の絶えぬ暮らし Marvelousなまでの不幸をpresent お気に召しますか? Dance Dance like a freak girl walk on the beer Dance why can't利口な者disappear Trap!! 幽玄に映える外の世界 歪曲情報 謀反に向けた知略sign 不穏ニヒルなkindness (Promising darling淫乱済度) 木っ端に消し去る Scarface cause grind death Show me what you got (陰謀lick) 根底からfright fress 喚け叫べ砕け散れば心 安定したPsycho pass Curious生け贄鑑賞宮殿blood excite We are eternity darkness 震え上がるwho men in brightness His heart is empty of kindness 切り裂いたmercy darkness fear Call My Name!! Call my name and 神々しく唸る 郷土に忌まわしき種war方々に散ら ばす Growl lightning politics向かう終末 御国に捧げろalready we are the blood of his Dance like a Freak girl walk on the beer Dance why can't利口な者disappear Poor!! fly to death 偽りの軍shoot down 恐怖に戦慄き素知らぬenemy殺すま で収監 拷問狂いgrave刻まれぬ名の集団 蹶起せどかがり火より弱し 業のmind掌握tempest 不穏ニヒルなkindness 木っ端に消し去る Scarface cause grind death Show me what you got Slow wind blow I say "Where is justice? where is your sou?" 答えはguns say "Show is ready now" We are eternity darkness 震え上がるwho men in brightness His heart is empty of kindness 切り裂いたMercy暗いtears Greediness and plenty heinous All evil集結in my world Realize our world disturb flare We learn killing each other slayer Release Right and a left look I have a wing in the skin Cause you're right became to evil your beet must be (あー?) 聖なるカッターで切り刻んでsaint feeling観衆沸 かす 臓物grotesque食べてもっとacheビ ール片手 にcheers 凡人に混じってcarefulなplan killing快感な face Concrete jungle I can feel it眼光whenever 潜む惡の種はtyrant Sitting on the big chair その時を待ちawaken and waiting to scream 後ろにwatch out 神もcan't stop 生きながら死す奉公 Feel the不安感! !