A is for Arsenic someone thought fun To include in the icing on top of a bun. B is for bats that swoop out of the air And squeaking inaudibly catch in one's hair. C is for cord of a moderate length, To hang oneself with it requires no great strength. D,E,F,G,H,I,J K is for Kris with a blade that is wavy, One wonders why somebody smeared it with gravy. L's for a letter that lay in a trunk, Its contents explain how the dinghy was sunk. M is for madhouse where is confined A lady whose friends say she's out of her mind. N,O,P Q is for quilt wrapped around a dead torso, A sick-making sight could scarcely be more so. R is for Ray's wicked invention, Dissolves at a distance the parts you don't mention. S is for suicide so it would seem, But then who was it uttered that unfinished scream. T,U,V,W,X Y is for yonder where someone is lying, Which proves, seen close, to be somebody dying. Z is for zero, the hour of doom, It will strike any minute but no-one knows to whom.