I should lay there... (No you shouldn’t.) And surrender.... (No you shouldn’t.) Cease to believe in the duty of man. I would offer.. (No you wouldn’t.) If I had more... (No you wouldn’t.) Yet, why do I lack the courage to ask? If it wasn’t you, then who was it? If it wasn’t you, then who was it? I am so tired... (No you aren’t.) And I’m so strong... (No you aren’t.) So strong, to defend what I need to defend. (No you aren’t) I have given... (No you haven’t.) I have been there... (No you haven’t.) Been to those caverns that haunt all our thoughts. Oh no, I didn’t go. But if it wasn’t you, then who was it? If it wasn’t you, no, no, then who was it? then who was it? then who was it? If it wasn’t you, no, then who was it? If it wasn’t you, then who was it? then who was it? then who was it?