Blending into the chaotic background. I'm feeling the end of this corrupt, nothing world now. 底には醜い吐き出された言葉だけ 見えない足りない何か求めて Nonsense. Sloppy. Dreaming and Crying Fighting Losing Falling and Fucking さよなら…最後に遺したのは BLAC KOUT ever...What have you seen and felt? BLAC KOUT まだ見えないと嘆くのは何故? 阻む者、誰もが変わらぬ者、愚かな As always you will pick the card. 行手は神のみぞ知る As always you will be content with that card. My God! Nonsense. Sloppy. Dreaming and Crying Fighting Losing Falling and Fucking ありがとう…最後に遺したのは BLAC KOUT never... Trying to determine the truth. BLAC KOUT あと少しだけだと言い聞かして このまま遠くへ飛べば あぁ… 生命を掻き消す程に BLACKOUT まだ生きたいのなら You just have to have the courage to let it all go. BLAC KOUT ever...What have you seen and felt? BLAC KOUT ただそれだけで救えるのに