See this my waning flame Thaw to a world of ice Light it in the faintest of moments I bestow upon you This token of affectionn For I am engulfed by the end I must be ashes They strike their violins darker As the final blackness nears I entrust these words to you My hope will bleed into these lines To form a silent song To linger through the ages To form a silent song To linger through the ages To be sung by the living To preserve, to praise, to mend The fragments of dignity Faced with the deep of deeps My spirits shines undaunted Spielt süßer den Tod, streicht dunkler die Geigen Wir schaufeln ein Grab in den Wolken, Da liegt man nicht eng Play death more sweetly, Scrape darker your strings We shovel a grave in the air, there you wont lie too cramped I entrust these words to you My hope will bleed into these lines To form a silent song To linger through the ages