Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free And so here you are you're caught in between Deep down in your heart You don't fit into the scene You try so hard to be accepted By the crowd you don't even know When you do,your soul is neglected By not letting your feelings show You don't have to smile If it's not in your style Just let yourself go For only then will you grow Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free How can you love others If you don't first love yourself You should know in your mind That you are one of a kind Take a look at yourself in the mirror Tell me, which part of you is real? Don't you know there's no perfect existence Imperfection may be your appeal There's no right or wrong when you sing your own song So when get advice maybe you'd better think twice Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free Be yourself, not somebody some people say you should be Be yourself, be somebody you know you got to be free Be yourself, Be yourself