Like a witch over the cauldron They prepare the mortal poison To destroy the health and strength And turn the beauty into filth... The adder laying on the throne Under the sign of hexagram. Hatred and evny in her glance Death-wish for all of noble kind... To make all people equal ones Is nightmare of the poisoned mind To destroy man' s identity Is to make him hopeless slave... We' ve been spilling our blood Since we appeared on this planet For glorious victory and survival For eternal pride of heritage... All wars we started made us stronger Although great warriors went away, But their blood runs in our veins And instinct tells we' re born to reign. But with the peace the plague has come Consumption made most of us blind And adders whispers to your ears: "The black is just another white"... And so the culture shakes and falls, But from the ashes monster arise: Community of rootless ones People who can' t say what they are.. This is the fate worse than death, The crime against evolution. The race of purity and pride Becomes the lower form of life.