Well here's the story the story I heard About little blue robin And his friend mockingbird They went to down to the freight yard Watching the trains When mockin' got robbed And little robin got blamed Frog was so frightened Boys he sung like a bird Said Judge it was robin I give you my word Sherriff baldeagle hauled robin to jail Old Crow blew in and paid robins bail Yes a frog he can croak or choke on his lie For the truth is no option In a bushwackers eye With his hand on the Bible And his head bowed in shame He swore it was robin Little robin got blamed Old Crow and blue robin Like Jesse n' James Turned outlaw that mornin' To clear robins name Flying the coop .... crow and robin were gone Trackin' the buzzard that stole mockins song And years on the skyway They went gunnin' the wind Robbin' the songbirds For mockin' their friend The old owls all tell how One song got away The song of the mockingbird Is lost to this day Mockin' died thinking His friend done him wrong Little blue robin never found mockins song When somebodys wrong boys Somebody must pay Thats why the little red robin Is blue to this day Blue to this day