Sushi ramen and maybe tonkatsu Eat them all as you like Any taste and any spice Here's your another bowl of rice 1.2.3.go You are made from what you ate So please DO NOT hesitate Grab them all and put into your mouth Move your hand like a finger tutting dance It's easy like an ABC Hunger is the only one thing to be need But If youre foodie Should have a creed Did you thanked the chef? I believe Sushi, ramen, lovely tonkatsu Are the best of the best! and you worth Be my guest, you need free flowing drinks Oh sound of clinks Hold the chopsticks, you're doing good Kick out the critics, who says you are rude Just keep eating my friend I boo them instead of you Eat them all as you like Any taste and any spice Here's your another bowl of rice 1.2.3.go 寿司、ラ~メン、そしてとんかつ 好きな様にお食べ 味付けやスパイスもお好みで ご飯のお代わりも、はいどうぞ 体は食べたもので作られるから 遠慮なんて絶対しちゃダメ 全部手づかみで口に放りこんで 指だってダンスみたいに踊らせて ABC位とっても簡単 はらぺこだったらそれでOK でもグルメを名乗るならポリシーは 持つべき 作ってくれた人にお礼は 言ったよね? 寿司、ラ~メン、 そして嗚呼とんかつ まじで最高!食べさせたい ご馳走させて 飲み放題もつけるから ほら乾杯の音が聞こえてきた お箸を持って 上手じゃん マナーがああだこうだ言う 人なんてほっといたらいい ほら食べて食べて 私があいつらやっつけとくから 好きな様にお食べ 味付けやスパイスもお好みで ご飯のお代わりも、はいどうぞ