Hear the cry of the battle-bow God is working his ways tonight Way back we're on this road But it's a future I can live without One spark lit up this place Two sparks baby, amazing grace Break-neck speed, can't read the signs You got me running clean outta time Let's not pretend We don't pretend It's not the end it's gonna be better than this Hole in my Pocket Stone in my Shoe Time keeps on winning What can you do? I just can't stop it Blowin' a fuse Time keeps on winning What can you do? Hey baby how did we get here? Always thought we were already there Spend my money to buy more time Now forever's kicking me around Hey listen, I'm not taking calls Ain't going back to nothin' at all Against all odds and evidence I knew my sun was gonna rise again! Let's all Pretend We don't pretend It's not the end It never gets better than this Hole in my pocket Stone in my shoe Time keeps on winning What can you do I just can't stop it I'm blowing a fuse Time keeps on winning What can you do? Hole in my pocket Stone in my shoe Time keeps on winning What can you do I just can't stop it I'm blowing a fuse Time keeps on winning What can you do?