Situation could be much better much better than today you know that you could do much better much better than you do today but how come you never try to change situation how come you always escape out of a serious conversation dont't you know it can't never be too late for us to succeed out of every misery you can be released as long as you beleive Help is coming As long as you beleive Help is coming For us to be released Your lifestyle could be so different From how it is right now Know that you could change so many things If only you want that You should know it can't never be too late Just get up and try And if you fall and wonder why Just try an other time But don't give up to fight Help is coming As long as you beleive Help is coming For us to be released For us to be released Help is coming As long as you beleive Help is coming For us to be released For us to be released You're always looking for a scapegoat Like everything is their fault And never ever you gonna say maybe I did mistake I black and white sky Never you gonna say why like you know everything in what thay say just can't be right How come you never change How come you always failed in everything you did before back then until today Help is coming As long as you beleive Help is coming For us to be released For us to be released Help is coming As long as you beleive Help is coming For us to be released For us to be released