月明かりで熱った You're the only one i want なんてキャプってチェック連打 Girl of my dreamみたいだろ 2AM 宙に舞う 俺ら宙に舞う I just wanna tell you Something you missed 鍵を宇宙に挿す 重力が弱くなる夜 ねえついてきて 白い肌に透ける青い血管 Nightlife Nightlife We're vampeers 遊ぶ時だけ本気で愛して Close friends online Cause we're vampeers Lovesick Imma Lovesick So please don't call no more Please don't call no more Lovesick Imma Lovesick So please don't call no more Please don't call no more Always fall in love In the moment Fuck “Socially Nice And Kind” We're gonna jump into the pool Tryna find the new girl So what's the Nine-To-Five? 見てるお前もpull up 俺のjazzclub 染み付いて離れない Bad moveしゃーない だって俺はPrincess Say my name 白い肌に透ける青い血管 Nightlife Nightlife We're vampeers 遊ぶ時だけ本気で愛して Close friends online Cause we're vampeers Lovesick Imma Lovesick So please don't call no more Please don't call no more Lovesick Imma Lovesick So please don't call no more Please don't call no more