Track byJoe Cupertino
晴天を刺すわ狐の嫁入り 踊る民草 周章狼狽 巨巌の如く一歩も動かず 水面に映るわ我が赤心 後顧の憂いを断てば 自ずと開けてくる遊戯三昧 天を仰ぐや 憂き世に一人 横を見ればもう一人 手を取り合えば竜頭鷁首 Joe CupertinoとT-razor ご覧あれ これより SAD JOE AID Öの 始まりに御座候 Bite That Dog Bite That Dog Bite That Dog Bite That Dog Bite That Dog 狂人病あげたら さんざめく 反転 Hulk dog さながら 皮膚も 翠やかな Ripping out the bottom 貞 定 貞 Bite that dog Bite that dog Bite that dog Bite that dog Destroy the Troyの木馬 How many of you avoid the 強い奴ら Making them all annoyed 脆い歯型 付けてみては遠い行為 流行るな ギリギリ間に合い 焦りlook at the time Not many people can hide ダメ元でもtry try try 天賦の才 上に他いない 凪ですらも鳴らす籟 手には残された課題 ゲート衛兵ごと破壊 Keep the varmints on the run boy Varmints on the run When you've seen him use a gun boy Seen him use a gun Keep the varmints on the run boy Varmints on the run When you've seen him use a gun boy Seen him use a gun Wonder what it is Wonder where it is 攻城作戦に 取り掛かるme 掃討白熱シーン I got 2 Colt Navies and a Springfield Obituary, says my name but I'm here at the Cemetery Drinking whiskey by the tombstone Of Paul and Mary Solitary Rattle snakes rattling in the sunny valley Tumbleweed Joe I'm a Navajo Dandelion fluff yes I'm about to blow All these blood marks stained on the floor I can't be satisfied, even if they are from my very own foe Keep the varmints on the run boy Varmints on the run Aiming right to the skull Leaking lights from the sun When you've seen him use a gun He's the top of the west Always cool, he's the best He keeps alive with his colt 45 Officiousness triggered the shun firing guns The taste still stuck at the tip of my tongue Like an aged rum Rotten raisins Cali made ones For old sakes sake, Aud Lang Syne With a cup of milkshake, hoe cakes it's a franchise Dairy Queen served up in ウィーン Which you can't find People stop to see the pantomime Hopefully tip me make my day This country's zeitgeist Intimidating I'm sophisticated 畏怖の業 Decapitated People masquerading 怪訝顔 Levitating More than overrated あの子も 俺のせいに You can't blame on meな 自分の業 Agitated Soaked and saturated In クパチーノ ティラ翠 Rogers 喧嘩売る El Chapo Forget the past And 見据えろ Hannibal の初動 ビート打つ鼓動 の取り合いになる 今夜も ヒントを得て得る後悔 先祖に頼りはしない 堤防にかける航海 逃亡するが正解 俺今より心地良い場所がいい 滞りなくいなしたい お願いプリーズleave me 一人 もうさぞかし いそがし 嫌味 ヒントを得て得る後悔 先祖に頼りはしない 堤防にかける航海 逃亡するが正解 Vertigo 翠やかな電灯 Traditional 受け継がれる伝統 宝刀伝家from the 先祖 Matador little gore Carnivore hot war Vertigo 翠やかな電灯 Traditional 受け継がれる伝統 宝刀伝家from the 先祖 Matador Little gore Carnivore Hot war Piece of meatが溢れる Slashing gore shit's intense Sleeping neck掻かれる こんばんはeyes open Epidendrum 判断が遅くね? Sodium Bicarbonate Tundraにてお求め Shit might catch fire Putain ラピュタ落っこった 身体から火照るcell 燃えゆ爛るskin From my kin I meant to rinse ヘロヘロに成り果てる Tell me please This don't make sense 罠罠 people trying to fool me in 甚だ 遺憾だけど善 Runa Runaway お前じゃ敵わねぇ お次は一体誰? 終わり方が変 見捨てな 見捨てな 邪魔なやつは見捨てな Beast it up 礼拝してバフがかかる 見てな Heat it up 戦況など不利な方が betterだ 燃えてら咥えパイプ 立ち昇る煙が Smokes on the field 見えない内が一番 リボルバーでkill 残りはあの人だ 因縁のゲーム 生きるのか死ぬのか 狙い定め Pull the trigger 果たしてどうだか