Can’t stop loving u I don’t know what then Should I do I’ll be dying if you disappear From me If I lose you I don’t know what then Would I do You are the only reason For my life, oh dear Won’t you love me? I care about you I bet I should not have texted You with loneliness I am so sorry For making you frustrated I can surely wait for you Texting me back Oh I’m insane? Like I’m addicted to you I love you one day I realized that I can’t lose you One day No…because I love you from the bottom Of my heart Hey where are you now? Why am I alone tonight? You need to stay with me Even if this world ends… I love you more I love you more More More More Mo Can’t stop loving u I don’t know what then Should I do I’ll be dying if you disappear From me If I lose you I don’t know what then Would I do You are the only reason For my life, oh dear 止まらないラブソング 早く君に伝えよう 思い遠のいてしまいそう その前に ただのラブソング ありきたりでどうしようもない Oh もう普通 曖昧リプライに 「不甲斐無い」っていう返し 電源切る前に 真面目になる話 反面教師で 教室は一杯さ 今日も一人 この気持ち 押さえ込んで 殺してる 甘々論理~ 甘々論理~ 多内論~ 多内論~ 多内論~ 多内論~