If there's a place in my heart I've kept selfishly, won't You take it And if my spirit is stubborn and unyielding to You, won't You break it For I long to be desperately devoted For I long to feel and I long to see You If there's a space in my soul You haven't consumed, please consume it And if I lose my way, Holy Spirit illuminate my direction If I should fall today, have I still the right to say that I am Your child? Am I Yours? If temptations knocking down my door help me sense it And if impurity is dirtying my mind help me cleanse it Take this life. Take it from me Small price to pay for the gift of eternity in Your love Oh heaven above is my home God, I forfeit my soul. Please enter in and make me feel whole No longer betrothed to sin. Lord enter in. I'm Yours As I lay me down to sleep, Lord, I pray that you would make me meek I know they're wrong, 'cause they think I'm strong, but I'm nothing without You Why am I so afraid? Why have I made "myself" an idol? I'm bowing to the god of "meâ. Won't you tear me down