to live here now lying down living as one of the bloodless having been down with bloodletting having let all of the blood out having been bled dry by leeches having let leeches bloodlet you lying lifeless and bloodless you lie as you live without life lying lifeless and bloodless living lifelessly bloodlessly bleeding without bloodshed all blood having been shed the shower of leeches that sucked you dry the shower of blood that cleanses and dies dyes you red dyeing red lying dead lying bled shedding bloodletting shining in red said the lecherous leech lead bleed feed the red anger drown in the shower bathe in the blender the sender-receiver of life that you lie; that you dye as you bleed as you flee like a leech unleashed released deceased insist refuse resist transfuse ooze snooze dream awaken get the lead out, let the blood out x8