It was out-of-body morning I think I'm going to break my head at the nonsense Why are you interested Why are you struggling I can't stop the impulse Someone said it's actually fake Now I’m falling into the deep darkness with no answer You should throw away your silly pride Nothing will start Let's go beyond the limit, let's release now Life wants to scream Waiting for a time With that bullet repeated small deaths But it won't I know loneliness over and over again 愛might 見たい 触れたい your time 退廃 期待 生きたい 存外 見えた cult な目は 僕を離そうとはしない 大抵しょーもないことは捨てよう 見えた先に鳴ってるは心臓 善も悪も無いこの世の中で 僕ら 2 人でいよう It was a horrible morning I need to your help right now I’m in so danger No one cares about me I am so struggling My mind is going to impulse Someone said you are faker Now I'm crawling out of the abyss With indelible memories I should throw away myself? But i can't run no more Break my limited time, i'm going to have some to new Resolute my problem and escape the dark But i want to know you How can i get to meet you? 再会 痛い それは甘く苦い 存在 遺愛 追いたいは論外 消えた dry な目は 僕を語ろうとはしない 最低 間違っていたいよ 知れた 君はここにいないと 点と点を結んだ線で 僕はどこへ行くの Save your veil You should throw away difficult words Nothing will start Destroy everything and return that day to zero Right now! Waiting for you With that day Repeated loneliness But time passes So lost, I'm faded 何も無いこの世界 枯れ果てた未来 朽ち果てたものたちが残る時代 愛では相変わらずここは満たない 何を祈ってたってもう意味ない 荒れ果てた心に逃避行を 悪を裁くものたちには罰を 声を枯らして大きく叫べ 僕らは此処にいると