I want to fly over the ocean mama. I want to fly over the mountain daddy. The wind blows from the south. The trees are swaying by the wind. I dreamed I was a bird. But I was in the cage. Please let me go outside. I was crying all day long. But I will be here for the rest of my life dreaming of flying all over the sky. I want to go over the ocean. I'm a son of the wind. I want to go over the rainbow. I'm a son of the sunshine. I can fly only in my dreams. I don't want to cry anymore. Let's sing a song of lullaby. I don't want to cry. The stars are crying with me tonight. Can you hear me?Voice of the wind. The sun is shining bright in the sky. There is a blue moon and thousands of stars. And the moonlight lights up the way to go. この空を飛べたらな 母なる海を渡り父なる山を越えて この空を飛べたらな 風は南から吹いている 木々は風に揺れている 鳥になった夢を見た だけど私はカゴの中 外へ出たくて一日中泣いたんだ だけど私は一生カゴの中 大空羽ばたく夢を見る 海を渡り虹を越える 我は風の子太陽の子 夢の中では飛べるのさ 泣くのはゴメンだ 誰か子守唄でも唄ってよ もう泣きたくなんかないよ 今夜もお星様が一緒に泣いてくれるのさ 聞こえるかい?風の声 お空で歌うお天道様 蒼い月に千の星 月の光が照らす道