When You Are Old and Gray (Live)

Track byMaryJo Mundy

  • 2007.10.05
  • 2:13


Revisited: The most popular type of popular song is of course the love song, And I'd like to illustrate several subspecies of this form during The evening. First of all, the type of love song where the fellow tells the girl That although the years ahead will almost certainly destroy every Vestige of her already dubious charms, that nonetheless his love For her will shine on forever through the years, you know. Another Example of stark realism in the popular song. This particular example is called "When You Are Old And Grey," And I'd like to dedicate it to anyone in the audience who is still In love with each other. Since I still appreciate you Let's find love while we may Because I know I'll hate you When you are old and grey So say you love me here and now I'll make the most of that Say you love and trust me For I know you'll disgust me . . . When you're old and getting fat! An awful debility A lessened utility A loss of mobility Is a strong possibility In all probability I'll lose my virility And you your fertility And desirability And this liability Of total sterility Will leed to hostility And a sense of.. futility So let's act with agility While we still have facility For we'll soon reach senility And lose the ability . . . Your teeth will start to go dear Your waist will start to spread In twenty years or so dear I'll wish that you were dead I'll never love you then at all The way I do today So please remember When I leave in December . . . I told you so in May


MaryJo Mundyのアルバム

MaryJo Mundy