Written by Lili Haydn & Glen Ballard Will she find it, will she find solitary changing times and someday she'll have her own party someday she'll have her own house someday she'll chase her own carrot 'til that day she'll live in a house with thirty people Will we ever understand the reasons we were chosen Obligations for the seventh day of our creation Baby clinging, baby clings somber notions sweet fledgling and someday she'll write her own credo someday she'll build her own house someday she'll choose her own leaders someday she'll rabble rouse Will we ever understand the reasons we were chosen Obligations for the seventh day of our creation someday she'll have her own party someday she'll have her own dream someday she'll chase her own carrot 'till that day she'll have a hole in her front teeth someday we'll have a new language someday we'll say what we mean someday we'll have compassion 'til that day our spirit will be demeaned someday she'll have her own credo someday she'll follow her heart someday she'll have her own party 'til that day she's in the dark